
Remote Learning Questionnaire

Many thanks for completing our recent remote learning questionnaire. We had an extraordinary response to this with approximately 80% of families taking part. The questionnaire provides us with some really valuable data and your comments are extremely useful in helping us to shape the service that we offer to families and children. Below are the headline results:

We are very thankful for this data and the overwhelmingly positive results that it shows. We are incredibly proud that 99% of parents indicated that remote learning is either "about right" or "too much" (13%) and that 94% of parents felt that Zoom meetings were a useful part of our remote learning offer.

We have now contacted all parents who have indicated that children may need technical support e.g if they are learning on a phone, and parents have reassured us that children are also learning on laptops. It's great to know that all our families have the right technology to be able to access their learning.

Within the questionnaire, some parents have asked for more information about the IDL programme that we introduced this year. Mrs Hardy is therefore very pleased to provide the following:

IDL was first developed to help children with dyslexia, however the programme was so successful in improving reading and spelling that it was trialled for use with all abilities and the research showed that all children can improve their reading, spelling and comprehension skills as a result of using IDL on a regular basis.

The company then went onto develop a maths element to the programme in the hope that children with dyscalculia would benefit in the same way as children with dyslexia had. Again, it proved to be a huge success with children of all abilities.

IDL is designed as revision programme rather than a teaching programme. This means that the activities should be easy for your child to complete at first, but the aim is that your child will develop confidence and consolidate their learning over time. All children have been provided with their own unique username and login, which was emailed to parents via the school office in December. 

IDL will be a key part of our recovery curriculum strategy when schools fully reopen so we are pleased that so many children are already regularly using this programme to develop confidence.  As children complete series of modules we will be rewarding them for their perseverance and achievement in learning at celebration worship. 

If you would like to find out more about the programme, please visit. https://idlsgroup.com/parents