
The School Day

The school week comprises of 32.5 hours - 8:50am until 3:20pm Monday to Friday. 
The school day starts at 8.50am, when children are collected from the playground by their teachers and led to their classroom, ready for learning. Children may enter the playground from 8:40, where they will be supervised by school staff until the morning bell is rung. We ask parents to drop their children at the playground and leave them with staff. This is a great period of socialisation for many children and a time when children build trusting, respectful relationships through talking and interacting with their peers. 
Sometimes children are late into school. If this is the case then please bring your child into school via the office and to sign your child in. By doing this, you are registering your child for the morning session so that they do not appear in the class register as absent. Please do not send your child into school unattended. 
Morning Playtime
All children have a morning playtime for 15 minutes, starting at 10.15am for Upper KS2 and 10.30am for EYFS/KS1 and Lower KS2. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a free fruit or vegetable snack as part of a government scheme.   Children in KS2 are encouraged to bring their own fruit snack.
Lunchtime starts from 12.00 and finishes at 1.00pm.  A hot school dinner is served in two sittings, with the younger children eating first whilst the older children enjoy their lunchtime play either on the playgrounds, the school garden or our extensive field.
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free hot meal under a government scheme. 
Please note even if your child is entitled to Free School Meals or is currently in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and therefore entitled to Universal Free School Meals their lunch orders MUST be placed using our ordering system. Children will be served the option that you have selected for them and will not be able to choose an alternative meal as all meals are cooked to order.
If your child has an allergy or intolerance an alternative will be available. 
School lunches are ordered via SchoolGateway. 
When the weather is glorious, we take advantage of our lovely school field and try to picnic as much as possible. This means that all children can eat at the same time and enjoy their playtime together.  
Afternoon Lessons
Lessons resume at 1pm at finish at 3:20. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 may also have an afternoon playtime for 15 minutes.
End of the Day: 
At the end of the school day the playground gates will be unlocked and we ask parents to come into the playground to collect their children. Please do not wait at the school gate for your child as the school does not like sending an unaccompanied child to meet you in the road - it is much safer to meet your child in the playground. We will always stay with the children until they are collected by the right adult.  
Numerous school clubs are available before and after school (including our morning and after school wrap around care clubs), please see the school clubs page for more information.