2026/2027 Reception Open Mornings - 4th June 9:30-11:00, 3rd July 9:30 - 11:00, 1st October 9:30 - 11:00, 5th November 9:30 - 11:00 and 26th November 9:30 -11:00. Please contact the office to book a tour!

Farewell Mrs Hillman

It feels very strange knowing that this will be my last newsletter. It has brought me great joy to share the many achievements and experiences of our children, staff and local community over the years and it makes me extremely proud of our wonderful village school.
Over the last ten years there has been enormous change – continuous work to our school curriculum and focus on wellbeing, three building projects, the removal of the mobile classroom from the KS2 playground, changing the class structure to accommodate single age classes and just as we thought we could relax a little, the pandemic took us by surprise. Many of you have stopped me this week to remind me of all that I have achieved but I want to take this opportunity to thank the entire staff and governor team and indeed our whole school community for your shared contribution and success. Our achievements as a school are a celebration of the whole community, past and present, working together and I really cannot take the praise for what has always been a terrific team effort.
Working with such a wonderful team has enabled the school to really flourish. I am very proud of the part I have played in making Ide Hill School a thriving place to learn and grow and I feel exceptionally lucky to have been a part of it for so long. My years at the school have been wonderful and have given me the pleasure of seeing hundreds of children develop as confident, successful young adults. I know that I am leaving the school in very safe and capable hands with Miss Alexander and Miss Johnson at the helm and that they will continue to drive the school forwards.
Before I say farewell, I really must thank you all for your kindness. It has been an extremely emotional week however, I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to say goodbye to governors, staff, children and parents. I have been overwhelmed by the many ways in which you have wished me well. Your cards and presents have been so thoughtful and generous – I am particularly looking forward to planting my beautiful Hazel tree. I will think of you all each time I look at it. Thank you for all my lovely vouchers – you are too kind.
So, thank you everyone for making my time at Ide Hill School so exceptional. I am leaving as a very proud Headteacher and with memories that will remain with me forever. I will miss being a part of our community terribly, so I know that this will not be the last that you see of me. Ide Hill will always have a very special place in my heart so I plan to visit often and take a keen interest in the continued flourishing of the school.
It only remains for me to wish you all a very Happy Easter. I hope that you have a fantastic break with your families. It has been a long and very emotional journey, but my husband and I are very much looking forward to being able to finally celebrate Easter for the first time with our son.
Mrs Hillman