
Religious Education

Religious Education

At Ide Hill CE Primary School, Religious Education has an important and central place within our curriculum.

Our school vision, values and Collective Worship support the beliefs and practices of the church. We teach RE every week and in the teaching of RE, we aim for children to both learn about religions AND learn from religions

As a Church of England school, the teaching of Christianity is at the heart of our RE curriculum. We use the Rochester Diocesan syllabus, 'Understanding Christianity' resources. This syllabus promotes an enquiry based approach to building knowledge by introducing significant theological concepts and to develop pupils skills. We  support pupils in developing their own thinking and understanding of Christianity, as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it.

By addressing key questions, Understanding Christianity encourages pupils to explore core Bible texts, examine the impact for Christians and consider possible implications.

Each unit incorporates the three elements:

  • Making sense of the text– Developing skills of reading and interpretation; understanding how Christians interpret, handle and use biblical texts; making sense of the meanings of texts for Christians
  • Understanding the impact– Examining ways in which Christians respond to biblical texts and teachings, and how they put their beliefs into action in diverse ways within the Christian community and in the world
  • Making connections– Evaluating, reflecting on and connecting the texts and concepts studied, and discerning possible connections between these and pupils’ own lives and ways of understanding the world.
Each unit begins with a ‘way in’ and then offers teaching and learning ideas for each element. The teacher chooses how to weave together the elements, from making sense of the text, through looking at the impact on the world of the Christian, and helping to make connections with the world of the pupil, in order to achieve the outcomes.
Through RE, we seek to give our children a rich variety of experiences from which they can develop knowledge, understanding and awareness of all faiths. RE also has a significant role in the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs. We encourage pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection.
Parents can withdraw their children for all or part of lessons. Parents should come into school and discuss with Miss Johnson should they wish to do so.