
Medicines in school

Parents are respectfully asked to administer prescription medicines at home prior to the start of the school day, where clinically possible. Many antibiotics are required to be taken three times a day and it is possible for a child to have a dose immediately before school, another after arriving home and a last one at bed time. This removes the need for a dose in school time. However, this does not apply to the use of asthma inhalers, EpiPens or other regular medications and staff will administer or oversee these treatments as necessary.
Upon parental/carer request the School will administer medicines that have not been prescribed to a child (e.g. Calpol, Piriton or cough medicines). Personal medication will be kept in a secure box within each bubble. Should a child require medication whilst at school parents should complete a medical request form (please see attachment below) and email it to the school office / pass the form to the class teacher with the medication (clearly labelled please).
It is the responsibility of parents to collect medicines –
  • at the end of the day in the case of antibiotics; 
  • at the end of the term in the case of all other medication; and to return them at the beginning of the new term, if applicable.
Children should not bring into school any throat/cough sweets, or other medication unless the school is made aware of this by letter or email.